Are LED Lights Good for the Environment?
LED lamps and luminaires are better for the environment than traditional light sources and they can last much longer. LED’s deliver the same amount of lumens as traditional lamps or luminaires, but with far less energy consumption. See our range of LED lamps.
Do LED Lights Burn Out?
All light sources will eventually burn out. However, LED’s typically last longer than traditional light sources. Many LED lamps have life spans of 50 000 hours nowadays.
Do LED Light Bulbs Save Money?
LED lamps and luminaires are very energy efficient and save money as a result. They produce a higher rate of lumens per watt using far less energy.
Do LED Lights Produce Heat?
LED lamps and luminaires do produce heat. The LED diodes generate heat at the back of the LED chip and it gets really hot. The actual lamp or luminaire however remains cool to the touch. It is crucial to manage the internal temperature of LED diodes. This can be done in a variety of ways with one being the use of heatsinks to disperse the heat away from the LED diode itself.
What Colour Temperature is Best?
This depends on where and for what purpose the LED lamp or luminaire is being used. At we will usually recommend warmer colour temperatures for residential and landscape lighting. Commercial and industrial applications usually require cooler temperatures. Speak to us for advice.
Can I use LED lights outdoors?
LED lamps and luminaires can certainly be used in outdoor applications provided they have the appropriate IP rating. Outdoor applications require the correct IP rating which can vary from IP44 to IP68. Usually, IP65 rated lamps or fittings should suffice for most outdoor applications. Fittings submerged in water require an IP rating of IP68.
Can LED lamps and luminaires be dimmed?
LED lamps and luminaries can be dimmed provided that:
- It’s a dimmable fitting or lamp.
- The driver is a dimmable driver.
- The dimming module is suitable.
Should I change my light bulbs to LED?
YES! The benefits to switching to LED from traditional light sources is a no brainer. Especially in South Africa where energy can be scarce (load shedding) and expensive.
Speak to us. We can advise and assist you on all your lighting requirements and solutions including LED lamps and luminaires. See our vast range of chandeliers, pendants, wall lights, solar and rechargeable lights, outdoor lights etc. / / (011) 465-5697.